本科生课程: 文献检索与利用
硕士研究生课程: 沸石化学
博士研究生课程: 沸石化学
(1)yuan m., gao m. -z., shi q.*, dong j. x.*, understanding the characteristics of water adsorption in zeolitic imidazolate framework-derived porous carbon materials, chem. eng. j., 2020, 379, 122412.
(2)shi q., wang j., shang h., bai h. h., zhao y., yang j. f*. dong j. x., li j. p., effective ch4 enrichment from n2 by sim-1 via a strong adsorption potential sod cage, sep. sci. technol., 2020, 230, 115850.
(3)niu w. x., yuan m., wang p. f., shi q.*, xu h., dong j. x*, one-pot synthesis of sib@zif-8 with enhanced anti-corrosion properties and excellent lubrication properties, tribology international, 2020, 106491.
(4)zhao y., xu j., wang j., wu j. l.*, gao m. z., zheng b.*, xu h., shi q.*, dong j. x., adsorptive separation of furfural/5-hydroxymethylfurfural in maf‑5 with ellipsoidal pores, ind. eng. chem. res., 2020, 59, 11734.
(5)shi q., xu w.j., huang, r. k., zhang w.x.*, li y., wang, p. f., shi f. n.*, li l. b., li j. p., dong, j. x.*, zeolite can and afi-type zeolitic imidazolate frameworks with large 12-membered ring pore openings synthesized using bulky amides as structure-directing agents, j. am. chem. soc., 2016, 138, 16232.
(2)石琪,牛文星,徐红,董晋湘,一种润滑油添加剂、润滑油及其制备方法,中国, cn109054939a,2018.6.19.
(4)石琪,王义华,徐红,董晋湘, 一种润滑脂及其制备方法,中国,zl201510348053.7,2015.6.23.
(1) 刘雷,董晋湘,石琪,杨江峰,徐红,李晋平, 低共熔混合物中新型无机多孔材料的合成和应用基础研究, 山西省自然科学二等奖,2015
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