王勇,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于重庆理工大学材料科学与工程专业,获工学学士学位;2016年毕业于太原理工大学化学工程与技术专业,获工学博士学位。2016年9月起在太原理工大学工作,2018年2月至2020年3月,赴美国加州大学河滨分校冯萍云教授课题组进行博士后工作研究。主要研究方向为多孔材料的设计、合成及其在气体分离、能源等领域的应用。相关工作发表在angew. chem. int. ed., j. phys. chem. c, phys., chem. chem. phys.等期刊,2016年度山西省优秀博士学位论文获得者,入选2018年度山西省“三晋英才”青年优秀人才支持计划。
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 21706180, 金属改性类石墨烯吸附剂的构建及用于丙烯/丙烷分离的机理研究, 2018-01至2020-12, 27万元, 已结题, 主持;
[1] 山西省自然科学基金青年基金项目, 201801d221079, 用于低浓煤层气脱氧的金属有机骨架材料设计与制备, 2018-12至2020-12, 3万元, 已结题, 主持。
[45] liu, p.; wang, y.; chen, y.; wang, x.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., stable titanium metal-organic framework with strong binding affinity for ethane removal. chinese journal of chemical engineering 2021, 10.1016/j.cjche.2021.07.027.
[44] liu, p.; wang, y.; chen, y.; yang, j.; wang, x.; li, l.; li, j., construction of saturated coordination titanium-based metal-organic framework for one-step c2h2/c2h6/c2h4 separation. separation and purification technology 2021, 119284.
[43] he, c.; wang, y.; chen, y.; wang, x.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., modification of the pore environment in uio-type metal-organic framework toward boosting the separation of propane/propylene. chemical engineering journal 2021, 403, 126428.
[42] he, c.; wang, y.; chen, y.; wang, x.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., an ethane-favored metal-organic framework with tailored pore environment used for efficient ethylene separation. microporous and mesoporous materials 2021, 320, 111096.
[41] du, y.; chen, y.; wang, y.; he, c.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., optimized pore environment for efficient high selective c2h2/c2h4 and c2h2/co2 separation in a metal-organic framework. separation and purification technology 2021, 256, 117749.
[40] chen, y.; xiong, q.; wang, y.; du, y.; wang, y.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., boosting molecular recognition of acetylene in uio-66 framework through pore environment functionalization. chemical engineering science 2021, 237, 116572.
[39] chen, y.; du, y.; wang, y.; krishna, r.; li, l.; yang, j.; li, j.; mu, b., a stable metal–organic framework with well-matched pore cavity for efficient acetylene separation. aiche journal 2021, 67 (5), e17152.
[38] 陈杨, 杜亚丹, 王勇, 刘普旭, 李立博, 李晋平, utsa-280的氨改性以及c2h4/c2h6分离性能研究. 化学学报 2020, 78 (6), 534-539.
[37] yang, l.; wang, y.; chen, y.; yang, j.; wang, x.; li, l.; li, j., microporous metal-organic framework with specific functional sites for efficient removal of ethane from ethane/ethylene mixtures. chemical engineering journal 2020, 387, 124137.
[36] yang, h.; wang, y.; krishna, r.; jia, x.; wang, y.; hong, a. n.; dang, c.; castillo, h. e.; bu, x.; feng, p., pore-space-partition-enabled exceptional ethane uptake and ethane-selective ethane–ethylene separation. journal of the american chemical society 2020, 142 (5), 2222-2227.
[35] wang, y.; jia, x.; yang, h.; wang, y.; chen, x.; hong, a. n.; li, j.; bu, x.; feng, p., a strategy for constructing pore-space-partitioned mofs with high uptake capacity for c2 hydrocarbons and co2. angewandte chemie international edition 2020, 59 (43), 19027-19030.
[34] wang, y.; jia, x.; li, l.; yang, j.; li, j., selective adsorption of propene over propane on li-decorated poly (triazine imide). green energy & environment 2020. 10.1016/j.gee.2020.10.001
[33] wang, l.; li, y.; wang, y.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., research on co2-n2o separation using flexible metal organic frameworks. separation and purification technology 2020, 251, 117311.
[32] lei, x.-w.; yang, h.; wang, y.; wang, y.; chen, x.; xiao, y.; bu, x.; feng, p., tunable metal–organic frameworks based on 8-connected metal trimers for high ethane uptake. small 2020, 17(22), 2003167.
[31] he, c.; wang, y.; chen, y.; wang, x.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., microregulation of pore channels in covalent-organic frameworks used for the selective and efficient separation of ethane. acs applied materials & interfaces 2020, 12 (47), 52819-52825.
[30] he, c.; wang, y.; chen, y.; wang, x.; yang, j.; li, l.; li, j., direct functionalization of the open metal sites in rare earth-based metal–organic frameworks used for the efficient separation of ethylene. industrial & engineering chemistry research 2020, 59 (13), 6123-6129.
[29] 管强强, 王勇, 赵强, 李晋平, pt-sn/poly(triazine imide)-碳纳米管复合材料的电催化性能. 功能材料 2019, 50 (6), 6185-6190.
[28] yang, j.; bai, h.; zhang, f.; liu, j.; winarta, j.; wang, y.; mu, b., effects of activation temperature and densification on adsorption performance of mof mil-100(cr). journal of chemical & engineering data 2019, 64 (12), 5814-5823.
[27] yang, h.; trieu, t. x.; zhao, x.; wang, y.; wang, y.; feng, p.; bu, x., lock-and-key and shape-memory effects in an unconventional synthetic path to magnesium metal–organic frameworks. angewandte chemie international edition 2019, 58 (34), 11757-11762.
[26] yang, h.; peng, f.; dang, c.; wang, y.; hu, d.; zhao, x.; feng, p.; bu, x., ligand charge separation to build highly stable quasi-isomer of mof-74-zn. journal of the american chemical society 2019, 141, 25, 9808-9812.
[25] wang, y.; zhao, x.; yang, h.; bu, x.; wang, y.; jia, x.; li, j.; feng, p., a tale of two trimers from two different worlds: a cof-inspired synthetic strategy for pore-space partitioning of mofs. angewandte chemie international edition 2019, 58 (19), 6316-6320.
[24] jia, x.; guan, q.; chen, y.; wang, y.; zhao, q.; li, j., poly (triazine imide) (pti) and graphene hybrids supported ptsn catalysts for enhanced electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol. applied surface science 2019, 492, 879-885.
[23] 贾晓霞; 杨江峰; 王勇; 李晋平, 纳米多孔石墨烯膜分离 n2/ch4 的密度泛函计算与分子动力学模拟. 石油学报 (石油加工) 2018, 34 (6), 1247-1254.
[22] yang, j.; shang, h.; krishna, r.; wang, y.; ouyang, k.; li, j., adjusting the proportions of extra-framework k and cs cations to construct a “molecular gate” on zk-5 for co2 removal. microporous and mesoporous materials 2018, 268, 50-57.
[21] yang, j.; du, b.; liu, j.; krishna, r.; zhang, f.; zhou, w.; wang, y.; li, j.; chen, b., mil-100cr with open cr sites for a record n2o capture. chemical communications 2018, 54 (100), 14061-14064.
[20] duan, j.; yan, r.; qin, l.; wang, y.; wen, l.; cheng, s.; xu, h.; feng, p., highly selective gaseous and liquid-phase separation over a novel cobalt (ii) metal–organic framework. acs applied materials & interfaces 2018, 10 (27), 23009-23017.
[19] chen, y.; zhang, f.; wang, y.; yang, c.; yang, j.; li, j., recyclable ammonia uptake of a mil series of metal-organic frameworks with high structural stability. microporous and mesoporous materials 2018, 258, 170-177
[18] zhang, z.; wang, y.; jia, x.; yang, j.; li, j., the synergistic effect of oxygen and water on the stability of the isostructural family of metal-organic frameworks [cr3(btc)2] and [cu3(btc)2]. dalton transactions 2017, 46 (44), 15573-15581.
[17] wang, y.; yang, q.; zhong, c.; li, j., theoretical investigation of gas separation in functionalized nanoporous graphene membranes. applied surface science 2017, 407, 532-539.
[16] wang, x.; li, l.; wang, y.; li, j.-r.; li, j., exploiting the pore size and functionalization effects in uio topology structures for the separation of light hydrocarbons. crystengcomm 2017, 19 (13), 1729-1737.
[15] chen, y.; wang, y.; yang, c.; wang, s.; yang, j.; li, j., antenna-protected metal–organic squares for water/ammonia uptake with excellent stability and regenerability. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering 2017, 5 (6), 5082-5089.
[14] wang, y.; yang, q.; zhong, c.; li, j., graphene-like poly(triazine imide) as n2-selective ultrathin membrane for postcombustion co2 capture. the journal of physical chemistry c 2016, 120 (50), 28782-28788.
[13] wang, y.; yang, q.; li, j.; yang, j.; zhong, c., exploration of nanoporous graphene membranes for the separation of n2 from co2: a multi-scale computational study. physical chemistry chemical physics 2016, 18 (12), 8352-8358.
[12] wang, y.; li, j.; yang, q.; zhong, c., two-dimensional covalent triazine framework membrane for helium separation and hydrogen purification. acs applied materials & interfaces 2016, 8 (13), 8694-8701.
[11] li, l.; wang, y.; yang, j.; chen, y.; li, j., functionalized metal–organic frameworks for the efficient removal of low concentrations of ammonia. chempluschem 2016, 81 (2), 222-228.
[10] li, l.; krishna, r.; wang, y.; yang, j.; wang, x.; li, j., exploiting the gate opening effect in a flexible mof for selective adsorption of propyne from c1/c2/c3 hydrocarbons. journal of materials chemistry a 2016, 4 (3), 751-755.
[9] li, l.; krishna, r.; wang, y.; wang, x.; yang, j.; li, j., flexible metal–organic frameworks with discriminatory gate‐opening effect for the separation of acetylene from ethylene/acetylene mixtures. european journal of inorganic chemistry 2016, 2016 (27), 4457-4462.
[8] 张倬铭; 杨江峰; 陈杨; 王勇; 李立博; 李晋平, 一维直孔道mofs对ch4/n2和co2/ch4的分离.化工学报2015, 66 (9), 3549-3555.
[7] yang, j.; wang, y.; li, l.; zhang, z.; li, j., protection of open-metal v(iii) sites and their associated co2/ch4/n2/o2/h2o adsorption properties in mesoporous v-mofs. journal of colloid and interface science 2015, 456, 197-205.
[6] wang, y.; yang, j.; li, z.; zhang, z.; li, j.; yang, q.; zhong, c., computational study of oxygen adsorption in metal-organic frameworks with exposed cation sites: effect of framework metal ions. rsc advances 2015, 5 (42), 33432-33437.
[5] wang, y.; wang, x.; wang, y.; li, j., acid-treatment-assisted synthesis of pt–sn/graphene catalysts and their enhanced ethanol electro-catalytic activity. international journal of hydrogen energy 2015, 40 (2), 990-997.
[4] li, l.; wang, y.; yang, j.; wang, x.; li, j., targeted capture and pressure/temperature-responsive separation in flexible metal-organic frameworks. journal of materials chemistry a 2015, 3 (45), 22574-22583.
[3] 王永祯; 王勇, 不同ph 值下pt-sn/石墨烯复合材料的电催化性能.新型炭材料2014, 29 (3), 231.
[2] wang, y.; wu, g.; wang, y.; wang, x., effect of water content on the ethanol electro-oxidation activity of pt-sn/graphene catalysts prepared by the polyalcohol method. electrochimica acta 2014, 130, 135-140.
[1] wang, x.; lian, j.; wang, y., the effect of sn on platinum dispersion in pt/graphene catalysts for the methanol oxidation reaction. international journal of hydrogen energy 2014, 39 (26), 14288-14295.
王勇; 李晋平; 贾晓霞; 管强强; 杨江峰; 利用双金属络合物直接制备多金属mofs材料的方法, 2021-04-30, 中国, zl 201811514413.6.
杨江峰; 李立博; 王勇; 李建荣; 李晋平; 董晋湘; 刚柔晶态多孔材料用于气态轻烃吸附分离的基础研究, 山西省科学技术奖自然科学类一等奖, 2021年.